[Samba] Windows bombarding Samba looking for share that does not exist

andyliebman at aol.com andyliebman at aol.com
Thu Nov 8 18:19:46 GMT 2007

I have a strange problem and I'm hoping that somebody on the list 
recognizes what it is.

I am running Samba 3.0.23d on a Linux box with kernel.
I am connecting from 5 or 6 Windows XP SP 2 boxes.

There is a share on the Linux box called "Music" (Note the UPPER CASE 
"M"). The share is accessible to all users who have smbpasswords on the 
Linux box.

Most Windows users are successfully connecting to the share and mapping 
it as a network drive. However, ONE Windows machine periodically hits 
the Linux server with thousands of requests to "connect to service" 
called "music" (note the lower case "m") instead of "Music".  There are 
thousands of error messages in the logs saying

Nov  8 02:45:13 fileserver smbd[8516]: [2007/11/08 02:45:13, 0] 
Nov  8 02:45:13 fileserver smbd[8516]:   johnpc ( couldn't 
find service music

This occurs several times a day.

When other users try to connect to the share, the samba logs clearly 
show they are connecting to the service "Music"

2007/11/08 10:19:07, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(950)
   office1 ( connect to service Music initially as user john 
(uid=507, gid=529) (pid 17601)

Is there any way that the problematic Windows machine could have have 
been told at one point -- or thought it was told -- to connect to a 
share called "music" and that Windows is stubbornly continuing to try 
to connect? Even after rebooting the Windows box? Windows definitely 
never saw a share called "music" by browsing because a share by that 
name has never existed on the Linux box.

Maybe another clue is that there are also some less frequent errors in 
the logs that say:

Nov  5 02:46:13 fileserver smbd[32209]:   make_connection: connection 
to Music denied due to security descriptor.
Nov  5 02:46:13 fileserver smbd[32209]: [2007/11/05 02:46:13, 0] 

As I said, most users have no problem connecting to this share.

Hope this rings a bell for somebody out there...

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