[Samba] Re: the system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2

Dömötör Gyimesi dgyimesi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 11:28:32 GMT 2007

There really isn't anybody who met this problem? :(

On Nov 5, 2007 12:19 PM, Dömötör Gyimesi <dgyimesi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've got some problem logging in to my Samba primary domain. I'm using
> LDAP for authentication and Samba for PDC. After I've populated my LDAP with
> Samba schema, an uid=Administrator Domain Administrator account
> automatically appeared. I can log in with this user (Administrator), but if
> I create a new user (Domain User in LDAP schema) WinXP Pro says the
> following: the system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in
> the message file for %2. After massive googleing i couldn't find anything
> but that this error is caused by Windows' smart card login feature. After I
> disabled that in MMC nothing happend, the problem still persists. What am I
> doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> --
> Döme


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