[Samba] samba3 FreeBSD pdc

mitrohin a.s. swp at swp.pp.ru
Wed May 16 11:26:45 GMT 2007

On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 09:54:51AM -0400, Dave wrote:
> Hello,
>    Most of the docs i've seen for implementing samba3 as a pdc are for 
> Linux. And for a most part they work with FreeBSD. I've not got the box 
> production yet, i have several questions and was wondering if anyone used 
> samba3 on fbsd as a pdc? If so i'd appreciate hearing from you. I want to 
> set up single sign-on authentication, and password changing with the fbsd 
> system. So that a user can ssh in to the box change the password it's 
> reflected everywhere or the user does it from windows. I am not getting the 
> passwd chat string right. And some of the scripts add machine to group, 
> scripts i haven't been able to get them working with fbsd, this is version 
> 6.2 btw, i don't think i'm going to have the issue of not being able to add 
> a $ in the username.

we use samba3 + openldap as pdc + bdc on freebsd 6.2 succesfully.
smbpasswd change unix and windows password simultaneously.


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