[Samba] prepare for vista

Jean-Jacques Moulis jj at isy.liu.se
Mon Jul 30 10:03:59 GMT 2007

On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:47:11 -0500 linux <linux at rcrnet.net> wrote:

> Am in testing phase with just a few lucky users to go live with samba. However, I just had a thought.
> What happens when we eventually do vista? Seems like I may need to add %a to my path = statement,
> but it did not work. No profile was created for the user under the "windows version" directory.. 
> Here's my testing smb.conf. Please have a look and see what I may need to do to separate the profile according to the operating system the user is using.

You don't need the %a (if it's only to separate Vista from other versions)
Vista adds a ".V2" to the profile path 

an user profile reside in \\PDC\Profiles\username.v2 for vista
and in                    \\PDC\Profiles\username    for XP

Vista seems to work satisfactorily with a samba PDC.
the logon time is higher than with XP but everything we tested worked.
(We don't use Vista in production and didn't discovered the probably
numerous problems)

relevant parts of our smb.conf:

        domain logons = yes
        logon drive = h:
        logon home = \\%L\%U
        logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U

        path = /export/Profiles
        comment = Roaming Profile Share
        profile acls = Yes
        create mode = 0600
        directory mode = 0700
        read only = no
        browseable = no
        csc policy = disable
        hide files  = /?esktop.ini/

Jean-Jacques   Moulis                              Tel:  (013) 281684
ISY                                                Fax:  (013) 139282
Linköping University                            E-mail: jj at isy.liu.se
581 83 Linköping

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