[computers] Re: [Samba] XP Home and Samba problem

Gary Dale garydale at torfree.net
Tue Jul 10 16:33:56 GMT 2007

simo wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 18:02 +0200, SG wrote:
>> Here's my smb.conf
>> [global]
>>         workgroup = GINVEST
>>         netbios name = LINACER
>>         interfaces = ath0, eth0
>>         bind interfaces only = Yes
>>         null passwords = Yes
>>         passdb backend = tdbsam
>>         username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
>>         log level = 3
>>         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>>         announce version = 5.0
>>         name resolve order = host wins bcast
>>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_KEEPALIVE 
>> SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>>         printcap name = CUPS
>>         os level = 32
>>         wins support = Yes
>>         invalid users = root
>>         valid users = borzo
> ----------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> you really _don't_ want to put this in the global section, or the only
> user allowed is borzo everywhere, and guest connections will always be
> denied.
> [..]
> Simo.
Yes, but that probably isn't his problem as he also has borzo as the 
only valid user for his MyFiles share.

My concern is that he has so much other unnecessary entries in his share 
definition. My advice to him would be to clear out all the unnecessary 
stuff until he can get a working share. Start with just the path and see 
if that works. If it doesn't then your problem lies elsewhere.

What are the Unix directory permissions for the share? Try setting them 
to allow everyone read-write-execute access.

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