[Samba] Login and logout scripts

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Wed Jan 24 22:53:07 GMT 2007

>>> You can also use group membership comparisons within the login script
>>> using a windows tool called ifmember.exe.  Both the vbs/bat files and
>>> ifmember.exe go /etc/netlogo

>> Correction: it is ISMEMBER.EXE, not ifmember.exe.

> ismember.exe & osver.exe are third party tools. ifmember.exe is part of 
> MS Resource Kit.

Wups... thanks for the correction. I remember now, for some reason 
ifmember did not work for me, so I found and used ismember (and osver) 
which did.

Can't remember what the problem was though...


Best regards,


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