[Samba] samba storing filenames as utf8

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel felipe at paranacidade.org.br
Mon Jan 15 14:42:10 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

On 01/12/2007 07:38 AM, Kurt Weiss escreveu:
> samba 3.0.22
> debian woody.
> linux charset: iso8859-15
> windows charset iso8859-15
> tested parameters:
>    unix charset = ISO_8859-15
>    display charset = ISO_8859-15
>    unix charset = ISO-8859-15
>    unix charset = iso8859-15
>    unix charset = utf8
>    unix charset = UTF8
>    unix charset = LOCALE
> problem:
> files are seen in windows correct iso8859 named.
> if i look at the linux server, there are encrypted special characters in
> the filenames. (e.g. "Entwürfe" looks like "EntwÃ1/4rfe")
> i've tested a long time and today i've tried to convert the filename:
> sv01samba:/# echo EntwÃ1/4rfe | iconv -f utf8 -t iso8859-15
> Entwürfe
> in my view, it seems, that samba ignores the given "unix charset"
> parameter.

	Try convmv, it solves most of our problems. We made the
convertion of entire filesystems to use UTF-8 instead of latin1.

	Kind regards,

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <felipe at paranacidade.org.br>
Coordenadoria de Tecnologia da Informação (CTI) - SEDU/PARANACIDADE
http://www.paranacidade.org.br/           Phone: (+55 41 3350 3300)
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