[Samba] samba to respect cups-ACLs?

Ingo Steuwer steuwer at univention.de
Thu Jan 11 13:48:22 GMT 2007


since newer versions (1.2) the cups-libs can inteprete the printer-ACLs in a 
way that a user only gets printers listed he is allowed to use.

Samba is "bypassing" that by talking to Cups as root, not as the user who is 
actually printing. Is there a way to avoid that?

Windows has it's own level of access rules for printers (like for 
filesystems), is there a way to use them with samba? Even a privileged user 
("admin users" and "printer admin" in 3.0.23d) isn't allowed to change them.

Ingo Steuwer

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Ingo Steuwer            Projektmanagement         steuwer at univention.de
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