[Samba] domain logons - prevent multiple logins with the same account

Nagy Zoltan nagy.zoltan at cit.hu
Mon Feb 12 14:42:06 GMT 2007

> Strange.
> I use this method to deny access to a copy-machine that can authenticate to a 
> windows/samba-server.
> The script checks if the user got money on his copy-account. 
> If has_money exit 0 else exit 1
> exit 1 effectively fails the authentication.
> I don't see why a domain logon would work any different...

i see ;))
because the preexec function denies the access to the resouce, eg:printer/share, but the authentication is a separate thing,
where no callbacks are possible -- i've checked it now,
so it working for you because it denies the printer, but the authentication is successfull ;)


> /Ulf

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