[Samba] Default User in netlogon trouble

Server Gremlin servergremlin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 20:55:07 GMT 2007

Hey Samba list,

    I have a Default User folder in the netlogon share on my samba PDC.  
I am having a very difficult time getting users to use this as their 
default profile.  I think my basic understanding of how this is supposed 
to work might be flawed.

    My current understanding is as follows.  When a user logs onto a 
domain for the first time Windows XP Pro SP2 machines first check the 
netlogon share.  If they find a Default User folder there, then they 
download that and use it as the user's baseline profile.  If they don't 
find it there, then they look on the local system under C:\Documents and 
Settings\Default User and create a profile for the user based on that 
profile.  If they don't find a profile there, then there's nothing for 
Windows to use and you get some crazy error message about not having a 
profile to load.

    Windows uses *either* the Default User in the netlogon share or the 
Default User in C:\Documents and Settings on the local machine.  It's 
either or, it does NOT combine these two folders in any way to make the 
baseline profile.  Is this accurate?

- SG

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