[Samba] Samba 3 by Example - chapter 5 & 6 ( Manager -> sambaadmin)

Eric J. Feldhusen efeldhusen.lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 15:09:53 GMT 2006

Natxo Asenjo wrote:
> On 3/4/06, John H Terpstra <jht at samba.org> wrote:
>> I'd be delighted if someone steps forward with an offer to take over
>> responsibility for maintenance and improvement of the documentation. Its
>> about time for a more capable and more enthusiastic person to have a go.
>> Please allow me rush to step aside. :-)
> for what it's worth: THANKS!!! for all your efforts with this documentation.
> I bought the book, I know of lots of people who have working samba domains
> thanks to your work.
> Will you write such a piece for the new samba version? I truly hope so,
> although if you do not I will certainly understand and respect your
> decision.
> And again: thanks a lot for your work.

Agreed, I can't say thanks enough. I've purchased both editions of the 
How-To and By-Example to support your efforts.  Both books match up with 
Samba for quality, and I'll continue to point people at both volumes for 
any Samba questions that come up.

Eric Feldhusen
System Administrator     http://www.remc1.org
eric at remc1.org
PO Box 270              (906) 482-4520  x239
809 Hecla St            (906) 482-5031 fax
Hancock, MI  49930      (906) 370 6202 mobile

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