[Samba] Where to see a printer...

Gary Dale garydale at torfree.net
Sun Jul 30 22:32:20 GMT 2006

Mauro Sacchetto wrote:
> Alle 20:08, domenica 30 luglio 2006, hai scritto:
>> to allow browsing in cups you need the following line in cupsd.conf
>> Browsing On
> Here's the pertinent section of my cupsd.conf
> ==========================================
> ######## Browsing Options
> Browsing On
> # BrowseProtocols: which protocols to use for browsing.  Can be
> # any of the following separated by whitespace and/or commas:
> all  - Use all supported protocols.
> # BrowseAddress: specifies a broadcast address to be used.  By
> # default browsing information is not sent!
> BrowseAddress x.255.255.255
> BrowseAddress
> BrowseAddress @LOCAL
> BrowseAddress
> ==========================================
> However, I'm yet not able to see my printer
> in "Net resources" in Windows...
> Thanx
> M.

BrowseDeny All
BrowseAllow 192.168.0.*

That's all I do and I can see my two CUPS printers in My Network Places 
in the appropriate place, or when I use the Add printer dialog in XP.

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