[Samba] Sorry for all the messages, I'm just trying to get a few answers here

Eric Evans eje4 at cornell.edu
Fri Jul 7 23:13:56 GMT 2006

Hello Craig et al,

>I didn't think it was possible that you would refute everything that I
>said without checking a single bit of information but you definitely did

Jeez, what did I say that was objectionable?  I believe that everything I 
said was factual, and I certainly didn't think I was contesting anything 
that you said.  I'm really really not trying to get into an argument 
here.  I'm just trying to find out what's going on.

>It's obvious that you merely want to debate and that your request for
>help wasn't really a desire to learn anything or fix anything...just a

Not at all, that is absolutely not the case.  I'm way, way too busy to 
waste time in needless debates.  I'm in a bind here, I'm under a lot of 
pressure and I'm just trying to clarify some things so I can get things 
working ASAP.  Please let me summarize the points that I'm confused about:

1. Why do I need to use wins support in my smb.conf?  I don't see the point 
of this since it seems to me we are not using WINS.

2. If I don't have access to the DHCP server to modify its configuration, 
how can I accomplish Craig's suggestion of putting the IP address of my 
Samba server in the WINS server list on the DHCP server, and how can I 
define the node type?  Surely there must be other Samba users who don't 
have configuration access to their DHCP server.  How do they deal with this?

3. Why is my windows client trying to send to a WINS server anyway?

4. The [homes] share, at least in Samba 2, always had a special 
meaning.  It was always interpreted by Samba as mapping to the user's home 
directory.  Does Samba 3 no longer give this special meaning to the [homes] 

5. PDC or BDC was not necessary in Samba 2 to connect to the [homes] 
directory.  Why is it necessary in Samba 3?  Are there any other special 
shares in Samba that one MUST have PDC or BDC access in order to use?

I'm truly sorry if I've caused anyone any aggravation.  I'm just trying to 
figure out what's going on, and I hoping I won't have to tell my boss that 
we can no longer use Samba after we've been using it without any problems 
for the past 3 years, and that I have no idea why it's not working!

Best wishes,

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