[Samba] safe_strcpy problem in Samba 3.0.10

Thomas Widhalm widhalmt at unix.sbg.ac.at
Tue Feb 21 14:09:33 GMT 2006


We have a lot of logfiles showing 

"zfl04.log.3:  ERROR: string overflow by 1 (24 - 23) in safe_strcpy

I found a reported bug producing this output within older Samba versions
than 3.0.4 . But we use version 3.0.10 and no mangling method set within
smb.conf . Therefore it should be the defaultvalue hash2 which doesn't
have this flaw.

Could anyone give me a hint?


* Thomas Widhalm                             Unix Administrator *
* University of Salzburg                       ITServices (ITS) *
* Systems Management                               Unix Systems *
* Hellbrunnerstr. 34                     5020 Salzburg, Austria *
* widhalmt at unix.sbg.ac.at                     +43/662/8044-6774 *
* gpg: 6265BAE6                                                 *
* http://www.sbg.ac.at/zid/organisation/mitarbeiter/widhalm.htm *

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