AW: [Samba] My Network Places not finding Samba server

Torsten Geile zuhause at
Mon Feb 20 06:49:37 GMT 2006


> I assume I am doing(or not) something extremely simple that 
> is causing my
> XP boxes to not see my linux(FC4) Samba server in the 'My 
> Network Places'.
> I can access the shares by 'Map Network Drive' and using the IP 
> address(
> I have set the workgroup name 'DAMEN' in the lmhosts file.
> I have set the workgroup in the smb.conf file.
>         workgroup = damen
>         netbios name = damen
> I have configured the Samba server to be the Domain Master Browser
>         os level = 35
>    domain master = yes
>         preferred master = yes
>    wins support = yes

your samba ist acting as a wins server, so tell your xp boxes to use it.
that should help.



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