[Samba] edited tdb... restart samba?

Joe joe at freakyacres.com
Fri Feb 17 21:54:20 GMT 2006

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> First, you really need to upgrade from 3.0.4.  The
> capability to delete drivers is one of them.  The amount
> of bugs that have been fixed in the past 20 months is
> really large.  Secondly, like I said, the driver name is
> stored in the printer object.

Been too nervous!!  3.0.4 has been stable.  :)

>> Here is the ntprinters.tdb record after I removed the driver
>> reference in ntdrivers.tdb.  I do not see the driver name
>> stored as you say it is.
>> key 12 bytes
>> SECDESC/p37
> That's because this is the security descriptor record and
> not the printer object record.

Hmmm...  which tdb is the printer object?

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