[Samba] smbd fails to start on Fedora Core 4

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Thu Feb 16 08:31:41 GMT 2006

Gavin Simpson wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 15:26 -0500, James Kosin wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Gavin Simpson wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the help. I just removed the file and tried a restart. Same
>>>> problem as before and same messages in smbd.log. No secrets.tdb created.
>>>> I changed write permissions on this directory temporarily to make it
>>>> world writable and tried again - with the same results.
>>>> I'm basically only using samba for the print serving, so I'm not worried
>>>> about the SID.
>>>> Any other suggestions I can try?
> Hi James,
>> Try running testparm, it could just be a mis-configured system.
> Thanks, but I tried that. There is nothing wrong with the smbd.conf
> file. I even tried to run things with a blank smbd.conf file to no
> avail.
>> Check the logs also in /var/log/samba and /var/log/messages to see if
>> you get any light at the end of the tunnel clues.
> I'll take a look at /var/log/messages, but /var/log/samba/smbd.log is
> complaining about a missing secrets.tdb file. I have such a file from
> the previous installation with the same permissions as before but it
> can't read it for some reason. If I delete the file, samba oesn't seem
> able to create a new one, even though I made /etc/samba world writeable
> to test.
> I have removed all of samba from the system and done a clean re-install
> but I still can't get this to work. I just can't understand what I did
> that was so disastrous - all the files were working, as was samba, just
> fine before I reinstalled the OS and copied back the /etc/samba files...


Maybe your new Samba's configuration dir is somewhere else, i.e. in 
/usr/lib instead of /etc/samba?

Tomasz Chmielewski
Software deployment with Samba

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