[Samba] Smbpasswd -m -x not working, "object class violation" error

Andrés Yacopino ayacopino at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 14:56:23 GMT 2006

I have deployed a samba server with Sun Java Ldap Directory.

I sucessfully create users and deleted them when ldap delete dn=yes in
smb.conf, but when ldap delete dn=no i obtain this error when i issue a
smbpasswd -m -x command:

ldapsam_delete_entry: Could not delete attributes for
o=acasalud.com.ar,dc=acasalud,dc=com,dc=ar, error: Object class violation ()
Failed to delete entry for user aprueba$.
Failed to modify password entry for user aprueba$

My smb.conf is:


   workgroup = ACASALUDROS
   server string = Sun Samba Server
   security = user
   dos filetimes = yes
   time offset = -360
   load printers = yes
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   printing = cups
   guest account = guest
   log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
   log level = 5
   max log size = 50
   null passwords = yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   ldap password sync = yes
   unix password sync = yes
   username level = 2
   password level = 0
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *New* password* %n\n *new* password* %n\n *successfully*
        idmap backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost:389
        passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost:389
        ldap admin dn = cn=Directory Manager
        ldap suffix = o=acasalud.com.ar,dc=acasalud,dc=com,dc=ar
        ldap user suffix = ou=people
        ldap group suffix = ou=groups
        ldap machine suffix = ou=computers
        ldap idmap suffix = ou=idmap
        ldap delete dn = no
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY=0
   wins server =
   dns proxy = no

what is wrong?

Is that works only when

   preferred master = yes
   domain master = yes
   local master = yes
   domain logons = yes

are yes?
Any other ideas?

Thanks a lot.

Andrés Yacopino

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