[Samba] XP not saving profiles

Matthias Spork hallo at matthiasspork.de
Sun Feb 12 17:25:28 GMT 2006


you use any virus-scanner? In my case I had problems with Mcaffe.

You can try this tool to kill all open file-handles:

Otherwise, install a clean windows-box without any userland software. 
Then check logon. If this works, install your software
and check logon after each installation.

kind regards

rowland penny schrieb:
> we need to move from a workgroup to a domain and not wanting to make the 
> worlds richest man any richer ;-) I thought I would give samba a try
> downloaded Kubuntu 5.10
> followed howto on howtoforge
> I can log in and out as administrator ok but any changes do not come back
> If I logon as a user I get the following when I log off
> Windows cannot copy C:\Documents and Settings\"username".FILESERVER\sendto
> to \\FILESERVER\profiles\"username"\sendto
> I have RTFM ( not saying I understood all of it )
> I have googled on this subject
> I have tried various alterations to the smb.conf file after doing the above
> I have also altered the registry after googling etc (signorseal for example)
> Can anybody suggest where I am going wrong or offer any advice please.

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