[Samba] Adding domain computer account to local group

Marlon Dutra mfdutra at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 18:06:18 GMT 2006


I'm trying to add a domain computer account to a local group in a
Windows Server 2003. I couldn't do that because I get an error saying
that the information returned by the object selector is incomplete. If
I add a domain group or user to a local group, it works fine.

That W2k3 is a member of my Samba domain. My Samba version is
3.0.20b-1woody1, backported to Debian Woody. I also tested with
3.0.21b-1 and got the same error.

I need that because I'm installing 4 Windows Server 2003 for terminal
services, so I need that all those 4 computers belong to a local group
in my license server. If you guys know how to connect my terminal
servers to a license server other way, that's ok for me.



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