[Samba] [HELP] Samba resets KickOffTime when changing password

Michael Gasch gasch at eva.mpg.de
Wed Feb 8 09:45:13 GMT 2006


i experienced the following (buggy?) behaviour with samba v3.0.14a on 
debian and slapd 2.2.23-8 backend:

when changing a domain userpassword (with smbpasswd or directly from 
windows client) sambaKickOffTime is handled correctly (= not reset). 
when changing a password with MS NT Usermanager, sambaKickOffTime is 
being reset (to "0" = never). is this intended behaviour by samba or 
Usermanager? i don´t want to blame the samba team for errors in MS code, 
of course!!! i just want to be sure that it´s no bug in the samba code 
or find somebody with experience in this.

thanks for your help!!!

Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution (IT)
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig

Phone: 49 (0)341 - 3550 137

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