[Samba] Adding Users to Samba Kill Access

Adam Nielsen adam.nielsen at uq.edu.au
Tue Feb 7 22:45:16 GMT 2006

> Thanks for the info.  Is there any way to see who the XP box is
> connecting as?

Running "net config workstation" from a command prompt on the XP box
will tell you the username, then checking your 'username map' file (if
any) will tell you which UNIX user this name is being mapped to, then
checking your smbpasswd file will tell you whether that username has a

You could try running "chmod ugo+rwx folder" on a shared directory to
see if it is a filesystem issue, however if you run "\\hostname" on the
XP box and can't even get a list of shares up then it sounds like the
XP user doesn't exist in the smbpasswd file.

Either way, you *should* get exactly the same behaviour by running (on
the Samba box) "smbclient -L localhost -U username" and putting in the
correct password.  This may assist with debugging.

Also, make sure you don't have a "map to guest" option in smb.conf, as
this can also cause this sort of behaviour if you don't know exactly
what it's doing.


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