[Samba] Multiple 2003 Servers

limoncelli at web.de limoncelli at web.de
Wed Feb 1 11:16:28 GMT 2006

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Ian Barnes wrote:
>>Here is the confusing part though, when I join the domain, it
>>picks a random controller and joins to that one, no specific
>>one. What I need to be able todo is to join one of them, and
>>when that one fails, move over to another one. 
> I have it on my plate to implement server affinity this week.
> Will be in the 3.0.22 release.  I can try to send you a patch
> when I'm done.

Interesting. How exactly is this going to work? What configuration will be needed?

OTOH, shouldn't it be the job of the *AD* servers to properly set up the DNS SRV records to assign priorities/weight? Or is it that Samba3 doesn't honour them correctly?

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