[Samba] [OT] ldapmodify options for changing AD attributes

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 16:41:53 GMT 2006

I have a samba 3 dc where users log on with their win xp workstations
and I have a w2k3 domain where there is an exchange server the users
connect to with outlook.
I would like to do an ldapmodify command on active directory to
initially align  time  password was set for both samba and exchane and
then have the users notified when logon samba pwd is near to expirate
and so they receive also outlook notification for changing w2k3 domain

At the moment I'm investigating ldapmodify command itself.
I can modify for example mailNickname AD attribute for the user, but
not pwdLastSet and

input file for mailNickname is
dn: CN=Gianluca Cecchi,CN=Users,DC=companymail,DC=local
changetype: modify
replace: mailNickname
mailNickname: gcecchi1

and it succeeds

input file for pwdLastSet is
dn: CN=Gianluca Cecchi,CN=Users,DC=companymail,DC=local
changetype: modify
replace: pwdLastSet
pwdLastSet: 127969313462031250

the command failed:

# ldapmodify -r -v -h w2k3_domain -x -D
"CN=adm_user,cn=users,DC=companymail,DC=local" -W -f
ldap_init( w2k3_domain, 0 )
Enter LDAP Password:
replace pwdLastSet:
modifying entry "CN=Gianluca Cecchi,CN=Users,DC=companymail,DC=local"
ldap_modify: Unknown error
        additional info: 00000057: SysErr: DSID-031A0FB6, problem 22
(Invalid argument), data 0

ldif_record() = 80

perhaps anyone with experience in ldap for samba can help?
Do I have to specify also the format of the value in some way?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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