[Samba] PrintPreview extremely slow with Samba network printers

Lars Oberg lars_oberg at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 13 17:20:53 GMT 2006

Some more data:

I tried adding the samba printer to a Windows server
and share it from there, and this works just fine
(e.g. "\\main-lin1\mis-laser on main-win1" [where
main-lin1 is a linux server and main-win1 is a windows

I could setup a Windows server like this for all samba
printers, but that kind of defeats the purpose of
using Samba...

I also used tcpdump to capture the traffic generated
during the print preview, and the capture file for
generating a preview of 100 almost blank pages was
over 1GB of SMB traffic!! I am not familiar enough
with the SMB/NetBIOS protocols to decipher what is
going on, though.

Does anybody have a clue as to what could be causing
this behavior??


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