[Samba] Profiles on quota, hard or soft limit?

Marco Gaiarin gaio at sv.lnf.it
Wed Oct 19 10:50:03 GMT 2005

[i'm not subscribe to this list, please put me on CC...]

I've asked this on samba-it (italian) mailing list, but with no clue.

In my installation (debian sarge, samba 3.0.14a, kernel 2.6 and xfs
filesystem) i've put roaming profile on quotas, and something i think
strange happens.
The client say to the user that cannot update the profile, also if it
was under the soft (and hard) quota limit.

I've googled a bit, and found that this is expected, and also i've
found the suggestion to put (via policy) a roaming profile size of an
half of quota.
AFA i've understood well, copying roaming profiles windows machine
dupes many file, so the effectively space used during profile
syncronization increase. 50% seems to me too much, but...

Anyway the problem are other:

  trinity:~# repquota -a | grep roberta
  roberta   --  545400 1048576 2097152           1936 10000 15000

and if user roberta enlarge a bit their profile, syncronization errors

I've tried (with explorer) to copy files to the profile's network share
by user roberta, and i can fill all the two megabytes.

How can 600/650MB profile could make trouble with 2GB quota? Or samba
explicitly look at soft limit instead of hard one?

Many thanks.

dott. Marco Gaiarin				    GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''                http://www.sv.lnf.it/
  Polo FVG  -  Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078  -  San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  gaio(at)sv.lnf.it		tel +39-0434-842711    fax +39-0434-842797

			Grazie parlamento europeo!

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