[Samba] Domain Admins can't modify ldapsam entries

Günter Gersdorf G.Gersdorf at tu-bs.de
Tue Oct 18 12:31:11 GMT 2005

Domain Admins are not allowed to modify the ldapsam database via usrmgr.
  lib/smbldap.c: smbldap_open: cannot access LDAP when not root..

Is this by design?

Günter Gersdorf
Guenter Gersdorf                         Phone:      +49/(0)531/391-7634
Inst. f. Werkzeugmaschinen               Fax:                      -5842
und Fertigungstechnik, TU Braunschweig   E-Mail:     G.Gersdorf at tu-bs.de
Langer Kamp 19b, D-38106 Braunschweig    http://www.iwf.ing.tu-bs.de/

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