[Samba] Problem using automount enabled samba 3.0.14a on Solaris 8
Knut Hellebø
Knut.Hellebo at nho.hydro.com
Thu Jun 30 14:19:40 GMT 2005
I have lately experienced a rather peculiar problem, details follows:
Trying to minimise the number of samba servers, I have compiled in
support for automounting in a Solaris 8 version of samba 3.0.14a.
Amongst others, this server mounts a filesystem from a Solaris 6 box by
request. The samba server mounts the Solaris 6 filesystem fine, but when
the user tries to access the directory symlinked from his homeshare (a
NetApp share which works just fine), Windows Explorer freezes and have to
be killed.
The same procedure completes OK when using a Sgi samba server, so this
makes me believe this is a samba Solaris only issue.
Anyone able to help me with this one ?
* Knut Hellebø | DAMN GOOD COFFEE !! *
* Hydro IS Partner ESI (Unix) Team | (and hot too) *
* Phone: +4755996870, Fax: +4755995620 | *
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* E-mail: Knut.Hellebo at nho.hydro.com | Dale Cooper, FBI *
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