[Samba] Samba interface for administrative tools
beast at i6x.org
Thu Jun 30 13:13:59 GMT 2005
Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Beast wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I have tried to write management tools for samba, but it seems there's
>>no standard way provided by Samba to change its configuration or modify
>>users account other than direct modify the config file and or database
>>backend. This make many tools less portable because it depends on the
>>backend of samba.
>>There might be a windows rpc call (use by usrmgr.exe and
>>svrmgr.exe), is it the 'standard' way to access samba?
> There's a lot of rpc calls available. These will get you so
> far. I have considered making smb.conf remotely available via the
> registry API but its still in the thought stage. Would that be
> something that people would want ?
> Something like
> [HKLM\Software\Samba.org\Configuration]
> [HKLM\Software\Samba.org\Configuration\global]
> [HKLM\Software\Samba.org\Configuration\homes]
> [HKLM\Software\Samba.org\Configuration\share1]
> ...
> And then editable valuename/data pairs for parameters.
I prefer samba to use its own way/protocol/procedure/etc to manage
server, maybe implemented using xmlrpc or anything else, but it should
be simple. Not all developer(user) are interested on all available options.
This will boost the number and standarized samba GUI configuration
programs. In samba GUI page, I found that most program are too old and
unmaintained. If it is new then it focus on modifying ldap directly.
Its better to use client/server model, even if tool is running from the
same machine.
Just my 1 cent.
Link to xSMBrowser in GUI page is work:
The account for the URL you have requested is inactive or no longer exists.
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