[Samba] Change Samba Server and winXP doesn't work.

Bruno Tobias Stella brunostella at trt15.gov.br
Mon Jun 20 15:58:34 GMT 2005

Hello !

  I have a Samba Server 2.2.12 PDC that auth in OpenLDAP whith several windows XP
workstations. Until last friday all was working fine, but yesterday I change the Samba
Server and Openldap to another hardware. Today, several windows XP clients don't get login
or print.

  Could anybody help me ? What is happening ?

Thanks so much !

Bruno Stella
brunostella at trt15.gov.br
Setor de Redes e Infra-Estrutura - (19) 3031-4165
Diretoria de Informatica
Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15a. Regiao

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