[Samba] Can Samba be installed on Windows 2000
georgi sotirov
soteks at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 12:02:05 GMT 2005
James Briar wrote:
>Can Samba be installed on a Windows 2000 machine (then create a share) so
>that on the Unix side you can mount the share thats been created (the
No need that, because you can use something like this:
linux:~#mount -t smbfs -o rw,username=root,password=xxxxxxxxxxxx
// /mnt/windows_share
linux:~#mount -t smbfs
linux:~#// on /mnt/windows_share type smbfs (0)
The user: root is your samba domain admin and also that is added in
local user group: Administrators on windows machine!
If you want by this way can access windowsnt Admins Shares( C$, D$, E$
linux:~#mount -t smbfs -o rw,username=root,password=xxxxxxxxxxxx
//$ /mnt/win_adminshare
>opposite of installing Samba on Unix and then mapping a drive on a Windows
>2000 machine to a Unix share)?
>I don't need to do this, i was just wondering.
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