[Samba] Can Samba be installed on Windows 2000
collen at zeist.hermanjordan.nl
Mon Jun 20 07:04:40 GMT 2005
HAHAH that would be fun,
microsoft getting a law suit like the one they had in europe (issuing to
remove the media player from windows)
execept in this case they have to remove the smb- server/client part..
so other software would run on windows as well hahahaha..
(that would be the joke of the day...)
Awell sorry for this.. would be fun do...
Rhys Goodwin wrote:
> Um... you can share a folder in windows 2000. Right click on a folder a then
> 'left' click sharing on the context menu that appears, you don't need samba
> for this. Or do you want to compile samba on a win2k box and use it as a
> domain controller?
> -Rhys
> On 6/20/05, James Briar <james.briar at merton.gov.uk> wrote:
>>Can Samba be installed on a Windows 2000 machine (then create a share) so
>>that on the Unix side you can mount the share thats been created (the
>>opposite of installing Samba on Unix and then mapping a drive on a Windows
>>2000 machine to a Unix share)?
>>I don't need to do this, i was just wondering.
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