[Samba] user profiles from roaming to local ?
sabine.zarabian at uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Jun 20 06:29:07 GMT 2005
Roman Kampus wrote:
> Hi
> I have Samba server with ldap and the problem is that when users first
> time log into domain, roaming profiles are made.
> I have already set up some backing-up actions from log-in scripts, so
> I would like to all user profiles to be local profiles.
> Does anyone know if profiles could be changed from command-line in
> windows ( did already some Google, but found nothing ) ? Or does
> anyone know if removing sambaProfilePath
> "\\_sambaserver_\profiles\_username_" from ldap would solve my problem ?
> With best regards
> Roman
Hallo Roman,
I had the same question some month before. One solution I got :
delete sambaProfilePath in Ldap and set
*l*ogon path =
no empty string, nothing but an end of line/
then a new user get default and local profile
on the machine. If the user was logged in before on the machine,
windows still using serverbased profiles.
Best regards,
Sabine Zarabian
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