[Samba] samba 2.2.8a
eric roseme
eroseme at emonster.rose.hp.com
Tue Jun 14 16:11:33 GMT 2005
Sorry for the late reply - I was out last week.
You need to increase your nfile and nproc parms (see Admin Guide pg 258
I delivered a tuning presentation at HPWorld in 2003. If you want a
copy, email me off list and I'll send it to you.
Also, the version you are running is not supported. You should pull
down either the current 3.0 CIFS version, or the supported 2.2 version from:
Eric Roseme
david lawrance wrote:
> Hello
> We are facing a problem in samba server running in hpux11.11. version of samba is
> version: 2.2.8a based HP CIFS Server A.01.10.
> we are not able to connect more than 18 users concurrently. when we map drive for 19th user it gives me a error "network connection not found" ,after killing one user it starts mapping.
> Is there any user restriction or need for kernel parameter change.
> Regards,
> Davidlawrance.A
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