[Samba] Missing files on Windows client side.
collen at zeist.hermanjordan.nl
Tue Jun 14 13:04:19 GMT 2005
Looks like it has something to do with long dos filenames.
[2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:name_map(613)
> name_map: FAKTREF.10062005.16 -> 29E0716A -> FBMAMA~Y.16 (cache=1)
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 9] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1294)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry: out of space
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 9] smbd/trans2.c:send_trans2_replies(556)
> t2_rep: params_sent_thistime = 8, data_sent_thistime = 16276,
> useable_space = 131012
you could try to rename it to a short name, and if it pop's up in the
explore, rename it back so samba can use it's mangling case thing..
joop.martens at lekkerland.nl wrote:
> In a directory with approximately 6000 files, several files are missing on
> the Windows side.
> If I check the directory on Unix (AIX) they are all there.
> As far as I can see there's nothing strange with this files en I can't see
> any connection between the missing files.
> It looks like it's randomly.
> A few examples of missing files:
> FAKTREF.10062005.16 (See debug information)
> cum1406.csv
> The only thing that I can see in the debug is the following line near each
> missing file:
> get_lanman2_dir_entry: out of space
> Can anybody tell me what causes this or how i can fix this problem.
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(315)
> dos_mode returning
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(959)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./FAKTREF.10062005.29
> fname=FAKTREF.10062005.29
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1043)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry: SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:name_map(613)
> name_map: FAKTREF.10062005.29 -> 29E0716A -> FBMAMA~Y.29 (cache=1)
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 8] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(869)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry:readdir on dirptr 0x20044568 now at offset 0
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(283)
> dos_mode: ./FAKTREF.10062005.16
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode_from_sbuf(151)
> dos_mode_from_sbuf returning
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 8] smbd/dosmode.c:dos_mode(315)
> dos_mode returning
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 5] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(959)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry found ./FAKTREF.10062005.16
> fname=FAKTREF.10062005.16
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1043)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry: SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10] smbd/mangle_hash2.c:name_map(613)
> name_map: FAKTREF.10062005.16 -> 29E0716A -> FBMAMA~Y.16 (cache=1)
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 9] smbd/trans2.c:get_lanman2_dir_entry(1294)
> get_lanman2_dir_entry: out of space
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 9] smbd/trans2.c:send_trans2_replies(556)
> t2_rep: params_sent_thistime = 8, data_sent_thistime = 16276,
> useable_space = 131012
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 9] smbd/trans2.c:send_trans2_replies(558)
> t2_rep: params_to_send = 8, data_to_send = 16276, paramsize = 8, datasize
> = 16276
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(449)
> write_socket(24,16344)
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 6] lib/util_sock.c:write_socket(452)
> write_socket(24,16344) wrote 16344
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2findnext(1752)
> SMBtrans2 mask=* directory=./ dirtype=22 numentries=121
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 10]
> lib/util_sock.c:read_smb_length_return_keepalive(505)
> got smb length of 120
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 6] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1090)
> got message type 0x0 of len 0x78
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(1091)
> Transaction 13 of length 124
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(464)
> [2005/06/14 12:20:58, 5] lib/util.c:show_msg(474)
> If I use the full UNC path of the missing file from within an application
> it is accesable and readable.
> Only from windows explorer it's not visible.
> Also a mapped drive in a windows command prompt shows the files.
> So it's looks like a problem only with windows explorer.
> I have the problem on win2k, XP and Windows2003 server clients.
> I'm running samba 3.0.14a on AIX 5.2 ML5
> Thanks in advance for a reply.
> J. Martens
> Dep. ICT from Lekkerland The Netherlands and Conway Belgium
> E-mail: joop.martens at lekkerland.nl
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