[Samba] Re: kde and domain login
Jochen Kaechelin
manikawa at gissmoh.de
Tue Jun 14 07:24:05 GMT 2005
Am Montag 13 Juni 2005 17:05 schrieb news.gmane.org:
> Jochen Kaechelin wrote:
> > is it possible to show all domain-users in the
> > kdm dialog?
> This setting in kdmrc should do it:
> # Enable user list (names along with images) in the greeter.
> # Default is true
> UserList=true
This option es enabled. I can see all domainusers in YAST but
I'am still not able to select a Domainuser in xdm.
I also can not login with DOMAIN\domainuser.
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