[Samba] Samba share query
Mark Sarria
marksarria at socal.rr.com
Mon Jun 13 02:40:16 GMT 2005
force user = userone, usertwo,userthree
or you can do it by groups
force groups = groupone,grouptwo
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Briar" <james.briar at merton.gov.uk>
To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 11:19 AM
Subject: [Samba] Samba share query
> Hello,
> I've coded the following in our smb.conf file (security = share coded in
> the
> [global] section) and this works fine where users can access the share
> without a password :-
> [ts]
> comment = Tech support directory
> path = /information
> guest only = Yes
> guest ok = Yes
> guest account = nobody
> writable = no
> browsable = no
> Is it possible somehow to restrict access to this share to say three users
> only (say tom, dick and harry) but still allowing the three users to logon
> without a password being prompted for? The above share works fine but i
> don't want everyone to access it, say just three certain users.
> I'm running Samba versions 3.0.14a and 2.0.5.a both on Sun Solaris8 Unix
> systems.
> Thanks.
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