[Samba] "id" and "id username" don't match up when using
Winbind groups
Graeme Humphries
graeme.humphries at vcom.com
Fri Jun 10 17:37:47 GMT 2005
On Fri, 2005-06-10 at 07:59 -0500, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Look for differences in the success and failure cases
> from a level 10 winbindd log.
Alright, the big difference I'm noticing is that when I run plain "id",
pretty much nothing shows up in the logs. However, when I run "id
graemehu" (my username), I get the following:
[2005/06/10 11:34:26, 10] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:fill_grent_mem(187)
appending someguy at ndx 8
[2005/06/10 11:34:26, 10] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:fill_grent_mem(215)
num_mem = 20, len = 171, mem =
[2005/06/10 11:34:26, 10] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:fill_grent_mem(222)
fill_grent_mem returning 1
The names correspond to the group I'm having problems with... so it's
like it's just using cached (and incorrect) data when I run "id", but it
goes and retrieves info from winbind every time when I run "id
Any thoughts? My gut feeling is that it's something in how the nsswitch
module is caching user and group info, and when it choose to refresh
that, but I don't really know how to dig deeper into that.
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