[Samba] UID of the windows Domain Administrator user?
Stéphane Purnelle
stephane.purnelle at tiscali.be
Sat Jun 4 12:02:28 GMT 2005
Fabio Muzzi a écrit :
>I have installed lots of samba 3 servers as PDCs for little networks
>serving 10 users or so. I have always set up the user "root" as the domain
>administrator, by setting its group SID to <domainSID>-512 with pdbedit.
>My "root" user has usually a user SID of <domainSID>-1000 since it is the
>first user I add to Samba. I have never set up a username map to map
>"administrator" to "root", I use "root" directly also on Windows boxes
>when I need to connect as the domain admin (to add workstations to the
>domain, for example) and I have never had issues. I have no
>user named "administrator" on the domain.
For joining a machine to domain, you must have a user with uid = 0.
But, begin with samba 3.0.11, the privileges can be used for use a other
user than root (uid = 0)
You can read more information in this pages :
>Now I have read in the HOWTO collection that I should set the user SID to
><domainSID>-500 for the "administrator" user since this is a predefined
>default SID. I have found that a NT server uses 500 indeed for its
>"Administrator" user.
administrator it's the name of a user which have administrator rights like :
add user
manage ACL
install applications in w2k workstation...
>First, I'd like to understand why do I need an user with the "500" SID,
>since I have never had one and still it seems that my "root" user is
>Second, I'd like to know what will happen if I changhe the SID of root
>from "1000" to "500", now that my workstations already know the user
>"root" by its old SID. I suppose that generally is definitely NOT a good
>idea to change a user's SID, because this would make his files on his
>workstations owned by someone else. Am I right?
The "root" user is only used for that, but after joining a domain,
changing the SID cause no problem.
Actually, on my network I not enabled privileges (in my test network :
yes and that work).
But, I use root user only for adding machine to domain, for the rest of
administration, I have
a administrator user with SID = S-1-5-21-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-500 and
groupSID = S-1-5-21-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-512
Stéphane Purnelle <stephane.purnelle at tiscali.be>
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