[Samba] Crashing Suse 9.2 box - Samba prime suspect
Robert Schetterer
robert at schetterer.org
Fri Jun 3 11:26:35 GMT 2005
Julian Opificius schrieb:
> I'm running Suse 9.2, up to date via Yast, samba 3.0.9-2.3, openssh
> 3.9p1-3.2.
> I had two hard crashes on my Suse 9.2 server in the last four days
> since I mounted two Windows server shares to the Linux box. Prior to
> that, machine has been stable for several months. Primary use is cvs
> server with ssh tunnelling pserver from PuTTY.
> Crash 1:
> I connected in from home using WSFTP Pro 9.01 in FTP/SSH mode to
> download a Windows directory tree mounted to the Suse server via
> smbmount.
> After transfer was successfully completed, Linux went down hard as I
> tried to start another transfer.
> I repeated process using direct a LAN connection with the same result.
> The "messages" log shows :
> May 29 01:27:40 engsrv sshd[13206]: Accepted publickey for <my name
> deleted> from <my IP deleted> port 12690 ssh2
> May 29 01:27:40 engsrv pure-ftpd: (?@localhost) [INFO] New connection
> from local
> host
> May 29 01:27:40 engsrv pure-ftpd: (?@localhost) [INFO] Logout.
> May 29 01:27:41 engsrv sshd[13209]: subsystem request for sftp
> May 29 11:50:29 engsrv syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
> text in <> is my comment.
> I deduce from the timestamps that the "subsystem request for sftp"
> line is the last thing written before the crash.
> Crash 2:
> User using ssh shell on local lan does a "find", and the server crashes.
> I see in the messages logfile a string of errors like this :
> Jun 2 07:50:19 engsrv kernel: smb_proc_readdir_long: dirent pointer
> outside buffer! c084bba3 7923 at c084000a
> followed by a restart entry.
> As these two error events both relate to samba, I thought this would
> be a place to ask for help. Can anyone offer any clues or suggestions?
> Cheers,
> julian.
Hi , i did a full upgrade via yast ( suse 9.2 ) too ( but i have no ftp
server running )
and had no Problems.
But i am using the latest samba rpms from ftp.suse.com
so do a update and recheck your logs
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