[Samba] Samba and Windows ACL Issue
Ross McInnes
sysrm at stvincent.ac.uk
Thu Jun 2 13:46:53 GMT 2005
Heh, nope.
Ah... I can use setfacl
setfacl -m user:ross:rwx crap
Getfacl shows that ross has rwx perms too.
However, its not reported back into windows, i.e security permissions for
the file crap still shows administrator/domain admins :/ also when I try
and add another user, still nothing. But progress!
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Earnshaw [mailto:tonye at billy.demon.nl]
Sent: 02 June 2005 13:22
To: Ross McInnes
Cc: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba and Windows ACL Issue
tor, 02.06.2005 kl. 13.55 skrev Ross McInnes:
> Yeah sorry about that, replied to all this time :)
No sweat :)
> All of those returned positive, so from that I can assume that its
> running acl/xattr?
Well, that's what I have; in short, you have all that I have. But then I
can't understand that you're getting errors with setfacl, let alone Windows.
Check your syntax, use the examples in 'man setfacl'. As for Samba, you
don't have 'nt acl support = no' in smb.conf? Naaaeh :)
mail: tonye at billy.demon.nl
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