[Samba] security=share, write / read-only mix doesn't work on Samba3

cknowlton at update.fsix.com cknowlton at update.fsix.com
Sun Jan 30 03:55:34 GMT 2005

> Hash: SHA1
> Carlos Knowlton wrote:
> | I'm having trouble migrating from Samba2 to Samba3.  I'm
> | trying to make  a share that allows some users
> | read-only access, and others read-write.   In version 2.2
> | this worked, but not in version 3.
> |
> | I'm pretty sure it's my configuration, but I ran into
> | this link on the  samba bugzilla site, and now I don't know.
> |
> | https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1844
> I've always thought this an odd configuration...expecting
> user level access control with a security level that has
> no concept of users.  My recommendation is to migrate to
> security = user.  I'm not really inclined to re-instantiate
> the previous behavior.  It's too confusing IMO (both to
> explain and to maintain).

Well, unfortunately, my users don't have the inclination to migrate from
Win9x (which is what security=share was patterned after, right?) so they
don't have an option to supply a separate username when logging into a
share. So, with security=user, they are required to login to their PCs as
a different user to access shares with users that don't exactly match
their login username.  Is this feature just not supported anymore in

Thanks for the suggestion.

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