[Samba] Re: Domain admins not getting local admin rights

Robert M. Martel bob at urban.csuohio.edu
Fri Jan 28 21:43:08 GMT 2005

On 01/28/2005 01:23 PM, Paul Gienger wrote:
>> I saw a problem like this when testing Samba 3 on Solaris 9.  I had to 
>> make sure that the "domain admin" group mapped to the unix group that 
>> I wanted *and* that unix group had to be the PRIMARY group for the 
>> user in question.
> This sounds a lot like the secondary user not recognized bug that 
> affected solaris boxes running LDAP for their posix data.  This has 
> since been resolved via patch 112960-22 or it's latest rev from Sun.  I 
> can verify that it works correctly now, in my setup running with a 
> Solaris 9 PDC.

I wondered about the bug - but I am not using LDAP - my user information 
in kept in NIS+.  On the test system where I first saw the problem was 
just using flat /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group.

-Bob Martel

Bob Martel,System Administrator  I met someone who looks a lot like you
Levin College of Urban Affairs   She does the things you do
Cleveland State University       But she is an IBM
(216) 687-2214
bob at urban.csuohio.edu                                -Jeff Lynne

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