[Samba] Roaming Profile problems

SABINE ZARABIAN sabine.zarabian at uni-bielefeld.de
Fri Jan 28 07:41:08 GMT 2005

we are using samba 3.0.10-17 with openlddap 2.2.6-37.22 as backend.
We use roaming profiles, but because of problems with  different  
operating systems and the profile size, we want to use locale profiles.
I tried to change logon path in smb.conf in an emty string, but no 
changes, if I delete this entry in smb.conf, samba use a default value 
and this is on the server.
So I tried to change sambaProfilePath in ldap, I tried an emty string, I 
tried to delete this entry but no changes. I still have roaming profiles.
Is there anyone having a good idea to solve me problem ?


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