[Samba] Having problems running palm desktop or the uninstall program

Paul Gienger pgienger at ae-solutions.com
Tue Jan 25 17:20:55 GMT 2005

> keydomain/jdow.  When logged into profile johnsmachine/John Dow, I can 
> install and uninstall the palm software with no problem.  When I am 
> logged into keydomain/jdow on the domain I cannot do any installs or 
> uninstalls.

Sounds like your user isn't an administrator on the machine.  You need 
to either
A. Install it as admin (which I realize doesn't help much on Palm 
Desktop software)
B. Add the domain user to the administrators group on the local machine

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.com       mailto: pgienger at ae-solutions.com

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