[Samba] Please help me decipher a two-packet NetBT conversation...

David Black dave at jamsoft.com
Thu Jan 20 18:23:17 GMT 2005

Thanks for your response, Jerry.

I too would expect that response from Samba, given the seemingly odd 
request.  What I'm up against is the client - especially XP SP2, doesn't 
seem to "like" that response, retrying after a considerable pause.  

Absent any other trails to follow, I'd like to try making Samba give 
some other responses and see how the client responds.


Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

> This is the correct response based on my memory of the
> network traffic.  You could be running down the wrong trail
> here.  I haven't dug in to the offline caching support
> so I can't comment on that too much.  But the response code
> in your trace was right as far as I know.

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