[Samba] Users with changed passwords can't log on remotely (but can locally)

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at interia.pl
Wed Jan 19 19:09:14 GMT 2005

Ed Holden wrote:
> OK, Tomek, here it is.  Debug level is 7; let me know if that's OK.
> What's happening in these logs is this: I am twice connecting to DMC1, 
> the Samba server, from a remote machine using smbclient.  First I use 
> the username "nrladmin," which is an account that works, and I get a 
> list of shares.  Then I connect as "oisacson," which has had its 
> password changed, and get a "session setup failed: 
> NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" error.  (However  on the server itself I can 
> connect with this user to

I don't see anything in the logs... not even NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE you 
mentioned. Is it the right log?

> Finally, here is smb.conf, minus the commented lines.
> [global]
>   workgroup = RESEARCH
>   netbios name = DMC1
>   server string = Neuroregeneration Samba Server %v
>   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>   max log size = 50
>   log level = 10
>   map to guest = bad user
>   security = user
>   encrypt passwords = yes
>   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
>   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>   local master = yes
>   os level = 64
>   domain master = no
>   preferred master = yes
>   dns proxy = no
> [NRL Folders]
>   comment = NRL Data Folders
>   browseable = yes
>   writeable = yes
>   path = /home/nrldata
>   create mask = 7777
>   directory mask = 7770
>   fstype = Samba
>   hide dot files = no
>   guest ok = no
> Hope there's a clue in there somewhere.  This configuration worked fine 
> on the old Samba server.

No clue.
What if you try and/or encrypt passwords = no and/or security = share 
and/or remove fstype = Samba:

    comment = NRL Data Folders
    browseable = yes
    writeable = yes
    path = /home/nrldata2
    create mask = 7777
    directory mask = 7770
    fstype = Samba
    hide dot files = no
    guest ok = no


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