[Samba] local master = no; browse list = no

Eric BERTHOMIER eric.berthomier at free.fr
Wed Jan 19 08:46:08 GMT 2005

When I do this in Windows XP :

     isdomaine master    =    false
     maintainserverlist   =   no

nbtstat -a
give these informations :
     MO99           <0x00> Unique  Workstation Service
     BOM            <0x00> Group   Domain Name
     MO99           <0x20> Unique  File Server Service

I want to do the same thing with Samba so I write this :
Local Master = No
browse list = no

But ntbstat -a @IP write these
     SAMBA          <0x00> Unique  Workstation Service
     SAMBA          <0x03> Unique  Messenger Service
     SAMBA          <0x20> Unique  File Server Service
     BOM            <0x00> Group   Domain Name
->    BOM            <0x1e> Group   Potential Master Browser <-

Why ->    BOM            <0x1e> Group   Potential Master Browser <- ?

nmbd : Version 3.0.10-Debian


\_@°> Eric BERTHOMIER / Le Sourcier Gris
http://lesouriciergris.free.fr http://troll.west.free.fr

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