[Samba] attaching xp machine to existing domain

Paul Gienger pgienger at ae-solutions.com
Fri Jan 14 13:55:02 GMT 2005

>Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,
>using more than one username, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous
>connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
Rebooting and logging in with a local administrator account is a sure 
fire way to fix this, assuming that administrator doesn't have any 
drives mapped over or anything else that will open a connection to the 
server.  For instance, I used to have an issue with clients that would 
seek out all network shares (xp style autodiscovery stuff) when my local 
admin account had a valid user/pass combo on the server.  If that's the 
case for you, you'll see objects in 'My Network Places'.  Delete all 
these, reboot again and see if things don't work better.

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.com       mailto: pgienger at ae-solutions.com

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