RE [Samba] SAMBA for 20 days!!! Please help me....... :(

spu at spu at
Fri Jan 14 10:35:11 GMT 2005


Your samba server is PDC ?
You cannot specify a password server is your server is PDC, see above (man

password server (G)
      By specifying the name of another SMB server or Active Directory
      domain controller with this option, and using security =
      [ads|domain|server] it is possible to get Samba to to do all its
      username/password validation using a specific remote server.

      This option sets the name or IP address of the password server to
      use. New syntax has been added to support defining the port to use
      when connecting to the server the case of an ADS realm. To define a
      port other than the default LDAP port of 389, add the port number
      using a colon after the name or IP address (e.g.
      If you do not specify a port, Samba will use the standard LDAP port
      of tcp/389. Note that port numbers have no effect on password servers
      for Windows NT 4.0 domains or netbios connections.

Stéphane PURNELLE                         stephane.purnelle at
Service Informatique       Corman S.A.           Tel : 00 32 087/342467 at a écrit sur
14/01/2005 11:27:11 :

> Hi! Please help me... I'm really confused.. I have read almost all
> the books out there but its not working.. I just want my Windows PC
> to be able to access UNIX PC with a username and password
> authentication. Below is my smb.conf file..
> [global]
>  workgroup = MyWorkgroup
>  netbios name = board_pc
>  server string = %h server (samba %v)
>  log level = 10
>     syslog = 0
>  log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
>  encrypt passwords = Yes
>  unix password sync = yes
>  username level = 8
>  password level = 8
>  domain logons = yes
>  security = user
>  os level = 34
>  local master = yes
>  preferred master = yes
>  domain master = yes
>  interfaces =
>  bind interfaces only = Yes
>  password server = rbtx4938_pc
> [homes]
>  path = /home
>  writeable = yes
>  browsable = yes
>  guest ok = yes
>  valid users = %S
> [netlogon]
>  comment = The domain logon service
>  path = /export/samba/logon
>  public = no
>  writeable = no
>  browsable = no
> [dian]
>  path = /home/dian
>  comment = Dian's home directory
>  writeable = yes
>  valid users = dian, dianag, dianag$, root
> I have tried all of these commands together with the outputs:
> 1)  ./smbclient -L -U%
> added ip interface = bcast= netmask=
> added ip interface = bcast=
> netmask=
> Password:
> Domain=[Murata]
> Sharename                    Type                              Comment
> ----------------                     -------
> -------------
> homes                           Disk
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Server                           Comment
> ---------                           --------------
> Dianag
> board_pc                      192 server (samba 3.0.5)
> .
> .
> .
> 2) ./smbpasswd -a -m dianag  #to add a trusted domain which resulted
> a line in smbpasswd:
> dianag$:501:4B8A4614E53B8055AAD3B435B51404EE:
> F4D74586093798E91CE014337F533210:[W          ]:LCT-41E7AAC2:
> Then I tried to access the board_pc, but I cant log-in.. And if u'l
> examine the log files, it has many authentication processes with
> different results.  For example, I've got an error of
> NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER in one authentication method, then in SAM
> authentication - I've got NT_WRONG_PASSWORD...
> Please help me.. I don't know what to do.. Please....
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